Lancelot: What makes a diamond interesting?

in all turnementes, justys, and dedys of armys, both for lyff and deth, he passed all other knyghtes – and at no tyme was he ovircom but yf hit were by treson other inchauntement” Le Morte D’Arthur (Malory)
[Translation: Lancelot was the best of the best, the greatest champion of the elite Round Table Knights. He was a badass for sure.  -Chris]

Lancelot is not my favorite of King Arthur’s knights; I much prefer Sir Gawaine, truth be told. I actually named the male lead in my first book Gavin, a modern form of Gawaine. Be that as it may, in modern tales of the round table, Lancelot is always front and centre. The tragic love triangle between King Arthur, Queen Guinevere, and Lancelot has dominated most modern versions of the ancient tales of Camelot. Lancelot himself provides an interesting archetype for heroes in modern fantasy, the perfect warrior torn between duty and his own desires.

In almost any version of the story Lancelot is the most skilled of the Round Table Knights. This is quite a distinction, considering King Arthur’s court attracts the best knights in all of Christendom. He wins all of the tournaments, kills giants single handedly, beats most of the other knights in duels at least once. He storms castles single handedly, wrecks enemy formations in battle with sword and lance, and generally makes everyone else look second rate. Sure, many of the other knights have their claim to fame, but Lancelot is without question the best of them all, at least in most Arthurian tales. He even had better stats in the D&D books, although Gawaine had a cooler power.

Amazing Piece by Donato Giancola. Blows my mind. Pic links to site. (Used without permission)

In battle at least, Lancelot was the very definition of Mary Sue. It is hard for us to maintain dramatic interest in a character who always wins.

Lancelot was not just a tournament-winning, lord of war; he was also the most charming of Arthur’s knights and the king’s closest friend. Most interpretations place Lancelot’s social graces on par with his peerless fighting skills. He is polite, handsome, and skilled at all the arts of Knighthood. He is dutiful, bringing great honour to his king. He is also Chivalrous, often helping the less fortunate and showing great hospitality and respect towards the fairer sex. (T.H White does make him ape-like and ugly, even nasty, but that is not the norm.)

This is a little more interesting. The romantic potential of the great knight is certainly something that interests modern readers. It’s still not enough though. If we left it at this the character would be a perfect hero, and would only be exciting as a love interest in period romance novels or light-hearted action.

No, the real reason that Lancelot is interesting and important to modern is that despite his near perfection in every single aspect of Chivalry, Warfare, and Romance he has a fatal flaw. Lancelot and Guinevere fall in love, and their love is one of the keystones of the downfall of the perfect realm of Camelot. In Malory Lancelot and Guinevere are more or less driven together by fate. In more modern tellings it is lust and imprefection that drives them together. The best modern version, in my opinion, is T.H. White who has Lancelot as being initially jealous of Guinevere because her presence disrupts his relationship with Arthur (Yoko breaking up the band I guess). Arthur can’t have his best Knight at odds with his queen, and so forces them to spend time together (oops).

Regardless of the telling, Lancelots inhumanly perfect outer shell disguises a heart full of very human desires. His incredible skill only serves to increase the heights from which he inevitably falls when he finally gives in to his desire. When Lancelot and Guinevere commit adultery and betray Arthur, the realm Camelot is denied two of its pillar characters and tragedy is inevitable, even without Arthur’s other problems. Lancelot is the archetype of a man driven to greatness but humbled by his own inner demons. He betrays his friends, his realm, and ultimately himself. That is more interesting, and a story we can all relate to. In this case Lancelots power only serves to magnify his failings. A serf commiting adultery isn’t going to cause the realm to collapse, after all. The same is true of the Lannisters in A Song of Ice and Fire, their particular infidelity would not matter as much if they were not so elevated. A very modern archetype, indeed.

However the tale of Lancelot does not end in utter desolation and failure. The great knight wanders, mad and seeking redemption. Eventually he finds it by joining Arthur and the last of the round table knights in the great battle against Mordred. Even in the face of his own betrayal and sundered from his lord, Lancelot performs his duty one last time. In this he completes the cycle and rises from his fall, passing into legend. In some version fo the tale he falls alongside Arthur. In others he visits his queen one last time, platonically, before they both retire to contemplation. This forth part, the potential for redemtion, elevates Lancelot even further.

I am often minded of Darth Vader when I think of Lancelot. Anakin Skywalker begins as the potentially the greatest Jedi Knight the order had ever. His love leads to his downfall and a betrayal of the order. He is redeemed when he turns against the Emperor to save Luke, who is the last Jedi Knight. Perhaps if George Lucas had taken a bit more from Arthurian myth, I would have enjoyed Episodes 1,2, and 3 more.

Guenever never cared for God. She was a good theologian, but that was all. The truth was that she was old and wise: she knew that Lancelot did care for God most passionately, that it was essential he should turn in that direction. So, for his sake, to make it easier for him, the great queen now renounced what she had fought for all her life, now set the example, and stood to her choice. She had stepped out of the picture.

Lancelot guessed a good deal of this, and, when she refused to see him, he climbed the convent wall with Gallic, ageing gallantry. He waylaid her to expostulate, but she was adamant and brave. Something about Mordred seems to have broken her lust for life. They parted, never to meet on earth.
― T.H. White, The Book of Merlyn

Lancelot is a powerful character who is deeply flawed. His power makes him a pillar of the realm. His good qualities make him attractive and successful. His humanity makes him vulnerable. His ability to overcome his fall from grace and redeem himself makes him a hero. Modern readers love flawed, human characters and Sir Lancelot has certainly earned his place at the table in this regard.

Afterthought: is Sam Gamgee is the inverse Lancelot?

2 comments on “Lancelot: What makes a diamond interesting?

  1. Lancelot has been my favorite Arthurian Legend character since childhood. After reading the Vulgate Cycle material, I even like the character even more. I like that there was more written about the otherworldly Lady of the Lake’s involvement with her foster son, Lancelot which is sorely missing from Mallory’s version of the Arthurian Legend and other writings based on that. Before I read the Vulgate Cycle material, I never read anything that showed that the Lady of the Lake kept in touch with her foster son after she presented him to King Arthur’s court to be knighted. I also feel that the Vulgate Cycle gives a lot more insight into Lancelot and Guinevere’s relationship.

    I think the main theme for Lancelot is courtly love.I believe that is the reason why he was inserted in Arthurian Legends.It was the Frenchman, Chretien de Troyes that introduced Lancelot into Arthurian Legend and made him the lover of Guinevere at the request of Princess Marie of France,Countess of Champagne.Courtly love seemed to have been a big thing in France.Lancelot was written as a French knight/prince.

    I was reading about the stages of courtly love according to Barbara W. Tuchman

    Stages of courtly love

    Attraction to the lady, usually via eyes/glance
    Worship of the lady from afar
    Declaration of passionate devotion
    Virtuous rejection by the lady
    Renewed wooing with oaths of virtue and eternal fealty
    Moans of approaching death from unsatisfied desire (and other physical manifestations of lovesickness)
    Heroic deeds of valor which win the lady’s heart
    Consummation of the secret love
    Endless adventures and subterfuges avoiding detection

    The following conversation between Lancelot and Guinevere at the beginning of her 2 year stay in Sorelois during her estrangement from Arthur says it all to me about their relationship and love:

    page 275 of Lancelot-Grail, Volume 2 edited by Norris J. Lacy:

    She said, “My dear friend, this where things stand, as you see: I am separated from my husband the king as a result of my misdeed-yes, I acknowledge it-not that I am not his lawful wife and just as crowned and anointed as he, and daughter of King Leodegran of Carmelide as well, but I have been hurt by the sin of going to bed with a man other than my husband.”
    “Still, there is no upstanding lady in the world who would not feel impelled to sacrifice something to make an upstanding knight like you happy. Too bad Our Lord pays no heed to our courtly ways, and a person whom the world sees as good is wicked to God. But now I have to beg a favor of you, because I have reached a point where I have to watch myself more closely than ever before. I ask you, then in the name of your great love for me, to seek no more of me from now on than a kiss or an embrace, if you like, unless at my invitation. This much of me, though, you will have as long as I stay here; and when I find the time and place are right and you are willing, I will gladly let you have the rest.”
    “But my will right now is that you be patient for awhile. You must not doubt that I am yours forever;you have deserved it, and my heart, besides, would never let me give you up. Remember, when my lord the king asked that I urge you to remain in his household, I said more to him than I have said just now, for I told him I preferred being with you to being with him.”

    “My lady,” said Lancelot, “nothing you wish can be a burden to me. I am wholly subject to your will, even if it means no less than happiness; and I’ll endure whatever you like, because my fulfillment can only come through you.”

    As a person that has Neo-pagan,New Age, New Thought,and Unitarian Universalist beliefs and see things in gray, I view Lancelot and Guinevere’s love for each other as something that is not necessarily good nor bad. I think it’s relative.
    I definitely don’t view this couple as the type that just want to have sex. I view them as having romantic feelings for each other.
    The contrast between courtly love and traditional religious views is definitely acknowledged by Guinevere.
    Lancelot comes off as somebody that views Guinevere as more than object of carnal desire. He seems to be entirely devoted to her.

    From a feminist perspective, I don’t view Guinevere as a cheating whore. Marriages among nobles and royals during Medieval period and earlier were arranged. I wouldn’t judge anybody who had a lover outside an arranged marriage.I wonder about the women that were stuck in marriages with men that they didn’t love and had no say-so and not allowed to follow their heart’s desire.You have to consider that misogyny was pretty much running rampant at that time, and misogyny is still a problem on our planet.

  2. “However the tale of Lancelot does not end in utter desolation and failure. The great knight wanders, mad and seeking redemption. Eventually he finds it by joining Arthur and the last of the round table knights in the great battle against Mordred. Even in the face of his own betrayal and sundered from his lord, Lancelot performs his duty one last time. In this he completes the cycle and rises from his fall, passing into legend. In some version fo the tale he falls alongside Arthur. In others he visits his queen one last time, platonically, before they both retire to contemplation. This forth part, the potential for redemtion, elevates Lancelot even furthe”

    None of that takes place in The Vulgate,Post-Vulgate,nor Morte d’Arthur
    it’s Lancelot comes late to King Arthur’s aid, and so King Arthur is already dead when he arrives in Britain.
    he sees the queen who has become a nun, and still faithful to her , he does what she does – takes up the religious life and ends up a priest

    In the Vulgate and Post-Vulgate
    After Arthur and Mordred kill each other in battle, Mordred’s sons take over the land which leads to Guinevere becoming a nun
    When Lancelot arrives in Britain, he finds out the day of the battle with Mordred’s sons that the queen
    died…..He,his kinfolk, and men defeat Mordred’s men which includes Lancelot and his kin killing Mordred’s sons
    his double first cousin, King Lionel is killed
    Lancelot feels that he has nothing left after losing his cousin and his lady, and so he
    takes up religious life and ends up a priest

    any Lancelot can be very appreciated if you looking at him from the perspective of courtly love
    He became the best knight of the world through the love of Guinevere
    all his feats of arm earned him his reputation as the best knight of the world were done out of love for her

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